
Welcome to St. John’s Church, Southbourne, a friendly community of people following Jesus, who look forward to welcoming you on a Sunday or during the week. There is lots going on for all ages, with many groups and activities for children. In the ‘Headlines’ box you’ll find a link to this week’s newsletter and all the latest information.

If you would like any more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the Church office. The church building is currently only open when services or other activities are taking place. If you would like to visit, please contact us to arrange a convenient date and time.

This year our Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday 25th April, 7.30pm in Church. Click here to read or download the agenda, minutes and reports.

This week’s letter from our vicar, Tom Robson, for Sunday 12th May:

This Sunday at 10am, we kick off our Christian Aid week with a guest and hear from the next part of Acts. At the 4pm we’re continuing in whole-life discipleship by considering how we listen to God who speaks through his Word. Then at 6.30pm it’s our online prayer meeting, the joining details are inside this newsletter. Do sign up for the Christian Aid Meal & Quiz for all ages, Saturday 18th from 5pm.

If you are visiting us on Sunday, please ask the welcome team for a welcome pack and prayer is usually available after our services. Our aim is: ‘Together, to make Jesus known.’ We would love the chance to get to know you and share more of the life and faith of our church. I will be in the Church Centre on Tuesday (but not Thursday 16th May) from 10am until midday if you’d like to drop in for a chat or prayer.

God bless, Tom

The PCC of the Parish of Southbourne with West Thorney has adopted, follows and supports the House of Bishops’ and Diocesan policy and practice guidance on safeguarding. In addition to this national policy you can see our own policy, procedure and safeguarding documents here.